
Sunday, 17 June 2018

Reflection on Interrupteur

As the outward facing part of my Interrupteur residency at Jessop West as part of the Humanities department of the University of Sheffield draws to a close there is time to reflect on the experience. This residency has been invaluable, allowing me to reflect on how this type of network practice might reveal something about the theoretical research I have been doing might be enacted in the world. 

I am overwhelmed by the generosity of spirit shown by the artists, interrupters, and academics who have helped to make the residency successful. Dialogues across disciplines and institutions have been productive in so many ways and it has been possible to push practice forward as a way of thinking through material in a way that has revealed so much for my own practice, but I hope also for the other people who have been involved.

Images from the residency have been used to visualise some of the connections and lines of flight we engaged in while we cut together-apart using practice.

Huge thanks go out to all the people involved with making this Residency both possible and successful. In particular, Amanda Crawley Jackson for her vision and support in making this all possible, Amy Ryall for her help in organising and the logistics, the Porters team at Jessop West, especially Roger who has been a great help, Brian Lewis from Longbarrow Press for his hard work on the postcard design, Sharon Kivland my PhD supervisor for always pushing me, all the brilliant artists who gave generously of their time: Emma Bolland, Madeleine Walton, Clee Claire Lee, Bryan Eccleshall, Jo Ray, Helen Frank, Andrew Conroy, The Roland Barthes Reading Group, and Louise Finney, the academics who are currently developing new projects the artists, and lastly all the interrupters who were diverted from their intended path through the foyer and engaged in interesting conversations, in particular Joe Edwardes-Evans, Martin Elms and Brian Lewis who became our most regular and welcome interrupters.